Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hmmm... not being the best mama blogger.

What is new? I am officially six months pregnant. LOTS of kicking going on. It comes in waves, though. When she kicks, it's a lot. Then there will be hours of nothing at all. After work today, before Nick headed out to the bar with his buddies (hey, he's gotta get his kicks in now!) he asked me if she had been moving around today. I had to pause and think about it, and I realized I hadn't remember feeling anything. A couple pokes and prods later, there she was! So cool... :)

Also? I am officially out of breath doing anything. Roll over in the middle of the night? Heavy panting. Not the type of heavy panting that one typically thinks of when you say you were rolling around between the sheets. ;) Haha! Getting out of my car? Out of breath. Shoot, now I have to WALK INTO MY WORK BUILDING? I feel like I just ran a marathon. Now, naturally, I'm exaggerating a bit, but you catch my drift... phew.

Also new development: I'M GROWING. I've gone from little bit prego to WHOA BELLY. I have pics to prove it, it's not that I'm too shy to put them on here, it's that I lost my camera cord a few months ago and now it's an ordeal to upload pics. But I'll get some on here soon, promise. I've taken a few bare-belly shots too, so I can look back on them later and laugh at the thought that I thought I was big at this stage. My future self will get a kick out of it, after my future self has experienced the joy of being 9 months pregnant.

I kind of regret not doing a weekly belly shot (bare belly or not) - I've seen montages on other blogs and it's SO COOL. But honestly, I wasn't too geeked about being pregnant in the beginning. Not that I wasn't geeked to have a child, but I wasn't "into" being pregnant. I think I've written about this before... can't remember. Anyway, I'm kind of regretting that (both the not taking pictures part, and the not "being into it" part), but oh well, not going to dwell on it.

I'm just trying to make up for my lack of pregnancy-gaga-enthusiasm from the first few months and cram it into the last few months. What a thing it is to be pregnant for the first time. It's... magical, in a way I can't really describe.

Nick and I just had our two year engagement anniversary on Tuesday, 12/8. We celebrated by having a mini-date at home and it was quietly and simply one of the best nights of my life. We didn't whisper sweet nothings, nor did we feed each other chocolate covered strawberries, or even exchange love letters. But we sat together in our family room, on the small love seat, snuggled together watching "Love Actually", which was the movie that spurred our engagement. Our puppy was crammed on the love seat as well, if you can imagine that. I managed to snap a pic of all of us crammed on the couch... will post later!

Anyway, my reason for bringing it up is this: my engagement anniversary is so close to being just as good as my wedding anniversary, because I remember how happy I am to be married to Nick and how absolutely lucky I feel to be exactly where I am right now. I love our little family of three (me, Nick, Murphy). Being engaged was the best... you're this blushing bride and everyone is so excited for you and you've got this bride glow about you. Then your wedding day comes and it's a big party of everyone you know and everyone who loves you, celebrating you two. What a feeling. Honestly, I think I DO like my engagement anniversary even more than my wedding anniversary because it was just about the two of us. The start of it all. (Gosh I'm cheesy tonight :P)

So, how does this all tie back to being pregnant? Well, being a blushing bride was the best time... it is so EXCITING to plan your wedding and plan your life as a family of two. And I have that same excitement, except it's less selfish and more... OH MY GOD WE'VE CREATED ANOTHER HUMAN BEING! So this is much more reverent and humbling experience, even though I don't always show it and convey it properly. It's hard to wrap my brain around it sometime. Another thing I think is cool is that this time in our lives - we'll never experience it again. Being first-time parents. The future is SO UNKNOWN to us right now, and it's all "I wonder what..." after "I wonder what..." Having your 2nd or 3rd kid is still an amazing experience, I am sure, but you only have your first once, ya know?

And the other funny thing about pregnancy is... it goes so fast, and so slow all at the same time. But I am grateful that it has gone somewhat slow, because going from childless to parent is such a huge deal, it's beyond just being a wife, or a friend, or a sibling, or a child. It's like the #1 job you can have. Well, I say it probably shares the #1 job with being a wife. Eh, I am rambling at this point, so I'll sign off now... more posts to come later...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I have been a SLACKER on my baby blog. :(

At almost 6 months prego now, I regret not writing more about my experience. I have come to realize that in my life thus far (deeeep), the two biggest things that have happened to me is 1.) getting engaged/married and 2.) having a baby. Getting engaged and being a fiance was the best feeling in the world... I LOVED being a bride and getting married. How happy is a bride?!

Now that we're becoming parents, well it's a whole different ball-game. We're excited, in a whole new way. Now I can feel her kick. Last night, Nick laid his head on my stomach and could feel her kick - a real good kick! - at least 3 or 4 times. Honestly, we've fallen more in love with each other through the process. How great is that? And I think it's only the beginning!

We had a few couples over last weekend, including Jeff and Sandi's Miles & Mayse (3.5 yr old and 8 wks old). They're our only friends who have kids, really. And we honestly don't spend a whole lot of time around kids, so when we do, it's all "oh cute!" This time, though, with 2 kids around, it's was run-run-run with the wild man Miles, and "watch the dog!" with tiny baby Mayse. I thought Nick would be terrified about our very first "real live baby in our house" situation, but after everyone left, he hugged me and said "I can't wait for us to be parents."

Seriously, guys, pinch me... is this really happening?