Monday, October 26, 2009

Few Things

I had my first contraction this weekend. We were staying at my parent's house, and sleeping in a divine bed (any bed that is not my bed is divine... even a couch... HATE would be the word that comes to mind when I think about my bed... but I digress... and use even more ellipses...) and I woke up in the middle of the night. Now, normally I wouldn't share this kind of detail... and to tell you the truth, I'm still just half-committed to telling you this detail as I continue to write these sentences. Okay, okay, I give in. I was having a dream... not a terribly risque dream, per se, but in this dream... I was doing things that create babies. OMG there I said it. I honest-to-God have never had a dream where I was having sex. It was a first. So I woke up, and put my hand on my stomach instinctively, and it was as hard as a rock. I was like "huh... this is probably a contraction" and went back to bed. You know, I had to get back to that dream! J/K!! I didn't really do anything, I didn't get up out of bed or anything, just felt the really tight tummy, had that one fleeting thought about it being a contraction, then went back to bed. I told my doctor about it today (leaving out the dream part... I mean, it's not like we're BFFs...) and she confirmed "Yup! That was a contraction!" WEIRD.

I also probed my doctor a bit about a 'typical' birth at U of M. I started reading this book (Your Best Birth) and while yes, I realize it is a fairly biased book, but I wanted to get some feedback on what a normal birth is like at the hospital I plan on delivering at. I am glad to hear that Pitocin is not an automatic/given, that my doctor has only done three episiotomies in her 20 years practicing, and I only have to be hooked up to monitors for 20 minutes every two hours. I was pretty stoked to hear I can have a pretty natural childbirth if that's what I choose to do. I don't have any illusions of knowing how it will go, how I will tolerate childbirth, whether I will want an epidural, whether there will be other complications that will necessitate a C-Section, but it's nice to know that if everything is progressing normally, then I can decide how I want things to go, for the most part. They have a couple of rooms with tubs in them, too, so a water birth is an option. I think the other big hospital in town has many more rooms with tubs.

Anyway, the last bit o'news at my doctor appt today is that they are not only out of H1N1 but out of the regular flu shot as well! So... even though I went in with a brave face (I haven't had a shot in, like, 15 years and was nervous as hell - I don't want to faint in front of Nick or my doctor), I left with all of my skin intact. I am expecting a call though when they get more in... and I guess I should start stalking other places that will be getting it.

That's it for now loves...

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