Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I woke up this morning to Nick telling me "I dreamt I was holding our baby... now I know what she looks like!" Isn't that precious. I just wish I was more awake to properly respond. He is the type of person who, upon waking up, is 100% awake/alert/ready to chat. I, on the other hand, am still deep in sleep and can only conjur up a grunt in recognition that he is talking, and talking to me.

Anyway, today was BABY DAY. Nick is off for the week, and I was off for the day. After this 7:00 a.m. conversation (one-sided conversation), I fell back asleep until 9:00 a.m., because why not sleep in on your day off? For serious.

We met up with Jackie for lunch, then were off to IKEA for baby furniture. Yay! We walked away with a crib, a dresser, and about $250 of other (non-baby) crap. How did that happen? Don't ask... let's just say, if each shopper gets his or her own cart, then he or she will be more inclined to, say, fill that cart. Is all I'm saying.

Then, on the way home from IKEA, I spotted a store called Buy Buy Baby. Never heard of it before, it was kind of like a Bed Bath & Beyond except all baby-related, obvs. Anyway, Nick pulls into the parking lot, and I turned my head to see the "Expecting Mothers" parking spot, and even though it was only two spaces closer than our spot, I actually made Nick pull out of the spot and back up in the parking lot and park in the "Expecting Mothers" spot. And thus snapped a pic to commemorate. Wahoo!

Upon studying the picture immediately after it was snapped (we all do it, don't front!), I commented "Wow, my face is getting chubby, cool!" to which Nick grabbed the phone, glanced at it, and said "This is how you always look." Errrrrr. KTHXBY.

Oh! And we also stopped at Lowe's and picked up some mini paint samples (love those) and painted some swatches in the baby room. I think we're going for a purpley mauvey color. With white furniture (my wish list), Nick's input was that the walls should be a darker color. I really lobbied for white furniture (as opposed to the really dark stuff Nick liked) so it was a compromise I was willing to make. I think it'll turn out nicely. I also fancy this light fixture:
What do you think of it? Can you picture it in a baby room? I think it's cute... and girly :)
Okay, well this mama best get herself to sleep. Work in the morning. It was a really nice day off (my last vacation day of the year... save for a 1/2 day I'm using later this week to help paint the baby room!) and I loved spending it with my mister. Now off to dreamland so I can meet our baby like Nick did last night. :)
P.S. Nick says she has dark hair. Hmm...

1 comment:

  1. The Noble Kid needs some updates!!! Ps- LOVE the light fixture. Baby Lindsay is going to be so stylish!!!
